Empty Nester (Aged 45-55)
Who are children left home or attending university.
Here are the guides for you:
1. Retirement/Saving
Life span is increasing, in averagely age 80s still healthy and active, thus retirement planning is important. There are several products in the market like long term saving plan and unit trust.
2. Debt Reduction
Accountability is the key. You need to find supportive friends/ family members. Or you can opt for wealth professionals cause they know how to help you.
3. Assset Accumulation
There are many way to accumulate asset besides property. Try to have easy to liquid asset as easier for your family to manage.
4. Risk Management
Review policies and make sure no overlapping and it cover all your risk such as death, total permanent disablement, early critical illness, medical card and personal accident.
5. Legacy Planning
Effectively distribute and preserve wealth for the long term. Regardless of where you stand financially today, here is a question:”what could possibly happen to your wealth and your loved ones once you have kicked your own bucket today?
We have professional to assist you. Do contact us if you have any enquiries.